about 16 hours ago, Dara Savage
Weather alert!!
5 days ago, Dara Savage
...and ANOTHER ONE!! Please vote for Marshay & Eli by 3:00 TOMORROW!!!
7 days ago, Dara Savage
marshay and eli
VOTE FOR ELI!!! Athlete of the Week voting ends 2/5 at 5:00 pm! You may vote as many times as you'd like!!
7 days ago, Dara Savage
Attention families!
8 days ago, Dara Savage
We are here for you, Hornet families.
17 days ago, Dara Savage
Triple header tickets go on sale TOMORROW AT NOON!!
18 days ago, Dara Savage
20 days ago, Dara Savage
We will operate on a two-hour delay schedule tomorrow, Wednesday, January 22nd. All DSU courses are being held virtually. Scholars who have all DSU courses on schedule for Wednesdays are permitted to remain home. Scholars who have a combination of DSU and ECS courses will need to report to study hall during their regularly scheduled live DSU course (if not already assigned).
20 days ago, Dara Savage
two hour delay
You know it's a GREAT Friday when Chris Rogers, Recruiting Coach for University of Delaware, comes to visit our football coaching staff, headed by Coach Shane Speights.
25 days ago, Dara Savage
Dear ECS Parents/Guardians/Students/Staff: From DelDOT: The coldest and windiest day of the week continues to do our plow operators no favors. Drifting snow will be a hazard through today and the overnight hours. Be alert! Cold temperatures are also preventing melting of snow and ice pack on roads - adapt your driving to the conditions! - Plows will continue to work through this afternoon. ECS will be asynchronous tomorrow, January 10, 2025 due to the freezing temps, lack of snow removal, and snow drifts. We want our students to be safe on bus stops. The snow Friday to Saturday should be two inches or less inches. The temps will be above freezing Saturday and Sunday so that will help with the melt and plowing. We will start back up on Monday, January 13, 2025. Be safe!!!
about 1 month ago, Dara Savage
Stay safe and warm, Hornets!
about 1 month ago, Dara Savage
In an effort to allow DEMA to clear the roads so our students can be safely on their bus stops, we will have one more asynchronous day tomorrow, Wednesday, January 8, 2025. Students will complete assignments at home by the deadlines their teachers give. This will count as attendance. Please keep warm and be safe! Dr. Edney
about 1 month ago, Dara Savage
1-8 async
We will have an asynchronous school day tomorrow, Tuesday, January 7th, which means, students will complete assignments at home for each of their classes and submit them on Schoology by the deadlines. This will count as their presence in school. We will keep everyone posted about Wednesday. Right now, we will have school, but we will await more information to decide the type of learning that will take place.
about 1 month ago, Dara Savage
Dear ECS@DSU Families, In an abundance of caution for our students for the impending snow storm, we will have a snow day tomorrow and not hold ECS classes. DSU has not made a decision about classes thus far, so ECS students taking DSU classes should contact their professors regarding attendance for college classes. We will make a determination about Tuesday on Monday. We will be awaiting news of clearing secondary and tertiary roads. Everyone be safe! Sincerely, Dr. Edney
about 1 month ago, Dara Savage
1-6 Snow Day
JV Basketball start time is 6:00 instead of 5:30! Tues., 12/17
about 2 months ago, Dara Savage
Be sure to complete your assignments!!
2 months ago, Dara Savage
Can't wait until Monday!
3 months ago, Dara Savage
Thank you to all our veterans!
3 months ago, Dara Savage
Follow us on IG @ecsatdsu for more!
3 months ago, Dara Savage
IG 11-8